I found podcasting to be by far the most challenging project I've undertaken for this class. I was starting from scratch with no experience in audio editing and little knowledge of the terminology or technology. I came away with a fair working knowledge of Audacity. I also have a better grasp on two of the concepts we had talked about in class. I have a better feel for the novice experience. As a novice, I have enough familiarity with creating a podcast that I can follow directions but I can't make accommodations for any variance from the script. This podcasting experience has provided a concrete example of the zone proximal development by leading me just beyond my previous skill level through guidance and collaboration.
Schreiber, Fukuta and Gordan (2010) concluded “...students preferred a live lecture to video podcast, although knowledge gain was not significantly different.” The students were tested on Bloom's knowledge level. Based on this article, I would view podcasting as being as useful as a lecture for the same purposes as a lecture, to deliver knowledge broadly, quickly and conveniently. To me the abilities to pause and repeat a podcast are appealing. I was surprised by the concerns raised by the students about interruptions and about being less likely to finish. It seems a certain level of discipline is needed to effectively use podcasts. This study compared podcasts to lecture to measure changes in knowledge. I'd like to see how podcasts might be used to tackle some higher levels of learning.
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